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Higglety Pigglety Breakfast


Homegrown foodies are making their way from farm to fork. The other night we savored our first Romanesco zucchini, an Italian variety of ridged zucchini that is absolutely delicious. I recommend growing some as soon as possible. For breakfast this morning I cooked our own fat cloves of garlic, a couple of sliced Green Zebra tomatoes, some Anaheim chili, and leftover pasta, and ate it in a bowl made by a friend of my long-deceased mommy, which sort of added to the homemadeness of it all. It was extremely delicious. I like those Green Zebras. For dessert I had wedges of a large freestone peach, also extremely delicious, all the while appreciating how we grew everything ourselves, just like little red hens. The toil almost seems worth it. Last night, as a TV watching snack, I sliced one of our Honeycrisp apples (the Queen of Apples in my opinion) and sprinkled it with cinnamon. Yum! This year's Honeycrisps are extra tangy.


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