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July 11, 2008

Mr. Skunk Returns

About two weeks ago during his morning constitutional on the South 40, Harry was excitedly fluttering his tail at a critter whose own tail was long and gray and stood straight up. I called him away from a large skunk next to the volunteer cherry tree.

Lately, Roomie has been wondering about little piles of disturbed leaf matter in front of the casita. She wondered to me if it might be the work of a skunk. But surely we would have smelled it? Last night after she had put out the lights, Roomie stood at the window and observed. Within several minutes after lights out did the skunk appear and begin rearranging the piles of dirt. To get a better view, Roomie turned the outside lights back on, expecting the skunk to run off. But the skunk kept about its business until she tired of looking.

Personally, I think skunks are OK until curious dogs mess with them. Then it is good to have ingredients for a skunk bath on hand.


  • ¼ cup Baking Soda

  • 1 qt. Hydrogen Peroxide

  • 1 tsp. Dish Soap

Mix and use immediately. Repeat if necessary.


We finally got our real rain this morning.

Melons and Zucchini

We planted (finally) zucchini and melons on Sunday afternoon. By Thursday afternoon, a dozen sprouts are showing. Nothing like warm nights and evening monsoons to germinate late-season crops.