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June 29, 2008

Tomatoes and Peppers

We got a late start putting in the tomatoes and peppers. But that is OK, says Roomie, because they grow fastest in the warm part of the season. Still to follow are the squash and melons. Last year we grew cherry and yellow pear tomatoes, and longed for some big juicy tomatoes. So this year we are trying heirlooms. We put them in the ground late May, and already a couple have set fruit. Here are a couple of maps of the varieties we are trying:

2008 tomato map.jpg2008 pepper map.jpg

June 3, 2008

Cactus Flower


Our neighbor Jerry collects cacti, and he has given us some of these prickly pear. I adore the color of these, which I deem "honey." What do you think?

Bull Snake


Today while checking out the new cactus flower, we saw a bull snake. No wonder the birds were not all over the place, as is usual. By the time I ran back to get the camera, he was slithering away in the shadow of the Dead Catalpa.