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October 21, 2005

Star Hording

Underblog: has decided that hording GOLD STARS is a worthwhile hobby. He acquired 3 today:
GOLD STAR # 1: Took car to Jiffy Lube for badly needed oil change. *ca-ching!*
GOLD STAR # 2: Got batteries for the lame-o remotes that open the lame-o gate. *ca-ching!*
GOLD STAR # 3: Went to CostCo for camping food and household goods. *ca-ching!*
Thank you, Mr. Blog!

Posted by Jill at 4:24 PM | Comments (5450)

October 11, 2005

a galaxy of STARS

Someone: aimed for a galaxy of GOLD STARS today. Someone achieved his aim. Let me enumerate:
1. He did laundry.
2. He hung the laundry out to dry.
3. He went to Home Depot.
4. He connected the Casita to the internet.
5. Then, as if those good deeds weren't enough, he finished cleaning up the Spilled Soap Disaster so that I could get back to work.
Five, count 'em, five GOLD STARS!!! How helpful can one teammate be? Apparently very very helpful.
PS. You were right about the OMEN - we both heard the same OMINOUS WORDS "out back", I thought it was Aaron scolding us for ruining the chicken coop "out back". But of course it was the name of your new favorite steak place - Outback.

Posted by Jill at 4:45 PM | Comments (1004)

October 4, 2005


Sherm gets a GOLD STAR for working on a lovely day when she could be WORKING in the yard, on the plants, etc. Being a freelancer is not always fun and games, especially when folks —or just one idiot in particular—start calling you "retired."

Posted by Underblog at 3:54 PM | Comments (283)


Underblog gets a shiny GOLD STAR for doing such good work around here cleaning up - heaving and hoeing, digging and dragging, trenching and tossing, planning and plotting. Thanks, hon!

Posted by Jill at 8:38 AM | Comments (62)