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April 8, 2008

Cover Crop

Sunday, we tilled in the cover crop where the Vegetable Garden is going to be. We will let the "green manure"* Currently, the peach blossoms are waning, the apple and cherry blossoms are in full force, and the figs and pecans have yet to show signs of life. All the roses except for one of the "rose bomb" roses have leafed out, the climbers along the back fence having wintered over successfully. There are still small piles of raked up debris which will require the Nunu to be driven around and have the debris scooped up.

In other news, Roomie witnessed a hawk swoop down and subdue a mourning dove under the pyracantha. By the time I got there, the desperate coo'ing was done and the hawk was merely preparing to fly off with a substantial meal. The aftermath consisted of two small piles of feathers and a 2*3 inch pool of dove blood. It has been a good year for goldfinches, which discovered the feeder early and have since been frequent visitors.

* A mixture of red clover, hairy vetch, winter rye, and two other grassy plants whose names escape me.

April 4, 2008

Irrigation Pt. 2

On Sunday, March 30, 2008, we irrigated for the first time. I also planted Cosmo seeds up in the front Desert Area. Still need to plant Sunflower seeds. And while we're on the topic of seeds, the hollyhocks that we dropped in front of the courtyard bucket-wall are sprouting. Yay, nature!