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February 24, 2008

Harbingers of Spring

For the last three weekends, I have seen goldfinches around the feeder. I fill up the "junk bird"¹ feeder when the finch food —nyjer seed— gets low. Otherwise, the junk birds will eat a large bag of food each day. Today, I spotted house finches trying desperately to get to the nyjer seed. If one of them is smart or talented enough to hang upside-down s/he will have a major meal all to her/him self.

Before the goldfinches arrived, a couple of robins were spotted leapfrogging their way around one of the Tingley elms.

In other news, Roomie and I spent the day yesterday pruning some major and minor limbs off the pear and apple trees. For bonus points, I hacked off a couple of low-lying branches from the large Tingley elm at the northwest corner of Troy's. The elm branches had been annoying me for a couple of years, and now there is significantly more light in that corner of the yard. Also, I may not have so many branches hit me in the face whilst mowing there.

Other harbingers of spring are the tulip, daffodils, and garlic sprouts coming up around the roses. This prompts us to begin watering around the roses.

¹ Junk birds are anonymous little brown birds such as mourning doves, house sparrows, and house finches.

February 22, 2008

Spring Planting

garden.jpgThe first foray into Spring planting has been made: I put in two six-foot rows of peas, (Mr. Blog will later build an A-frame trellis for them to climb on), and a small patch of Gaillardia (blanket flowers) seeds near the roses. The garlic I planted last Fall is popping up, the first tulip top, and one daffodil. All of the seeds I bought are for direct planting. Until we have a greenhouse or a better spot to grow starts, I like this method. When it warms up, maybe in March or April I'll put in the sunflowers and cosmos. This coming weekend - (like, tomorrow) I'm going to start pruning the fruit trees according the advice of that article on restoring old apple trees. I'm going to be merciless with the hundreds of water sprouts. I need to get my loppers and clippers sharpened. I wonder if my hivey anxiety is partially due to the approach of Spring and the zillions of tasks that come with it? All I know is, I've been a nervous wreck lately and it's showing up on my skin as hives. Let the work commence.